

Porto, Portugal


How do the courses work ?

Each course consists of 90 lessons. One lesson each day, for 90 days. Courses range from beginner to advanced level. Courses work on your reading, speaking, listening and writing. When you buy a course, you will have a personal account on the website that will give you access to the learning material for 6 months. During the course, if you have any difficulties with something, our customer support will answer you in less than 24 hours. If you wish to take a more intensive course, you can choose between the STANDARD and PLATINUM package. The STANDARD package has 2 individual lessons of 1 hour with a teacher and the PLATINUM package has 4 individual lessons of 1 hour with a teacher and a private support chart 16h per day. If you wish to take an even more intensive course, people send us an email to the following address : contact.hyperlanguages@gmail.com.


How do the classes work ?

Before buying classes, you get 1 free lesson of 30 minutes where you will get acquainted with your teacher and determine your level. If you like the trial lesson and want to continue, you can buy a classes’ package for 1 month. After the purchase, you will have a personal account on the website that will give you access to the online classes with your teacher. At the end of each class, you will have to do a quizz to review what you learned and what you need to work on. If you wish to take a more intensive learning, you can choose between the STANDARD and the PLATINUM package. The STANDARD package has 2 extra individual lessons of 1 hour, and the PLATINUM package has 6 extra individual lessons of 1 hour. If you wish to take an even more intensive training , people send us an email to the following address : contact.hyperlanguages@gmail.com.


What is your methodology ?

Our methodology is to focus on the 4 most important aspects of a language : reading, speaking, listening and writing. We do not believe in homework. All the work is done during class. Outside of class, we recommend you to listen to music, to the radio, to read a book or to watch a movie/serial in the language you are trying to learn.


What if I miss a class ?

All classes are scheduled for 1 month and we reserve your spot. If you miss class, we have no way to fill your spot, so no rescheduling is possible.


I have a question that is not listed here

Send us an email at contact.hyperlanguages@gmail.com and we will answer you within 24 hours.


Can I get classes for free ?

We don’t give lessons for free. Our teachers are paid to give classes.

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Guides pour les études de premier cycle

Doubler mon salaire de 9 à 5 plusieurs fois dans ma carrière est une chose que je n'aurais jamais cru possible. Ma carrière est passée du statut de startup à celui d'opérateur de centre d'appels en un court laps de temps.

Cela signifiait passer d'un salaire à six chiffres au salaire minimum dans mon pays d'origine, l'Australie. Et pour couronner le tout, je n'ai aucun diplôme dans le domaine des affaires - à moins que vous ne comptiez une qualification d'ingénieur du son.

Si un type sans instruction originaire du pays des kangourous peut doubler son salaire, il y a certainement de l'espoir pour vous. Les sites Web populaires consacrés aux carrières, tels que "Seek", proposent les conseils habituels consistant à améliorer l'évaluation de vos performances ou à approfondir votre formation universitaire. Ce conseil est dépassé et j'ai vu de nombreux collègues tomber dans ce piège et finir par être déçus.

Pour doubler votre salaire, ou du moins l'augmenter de manière significative, il faut sortir de la norme et essayer des choses un peu plus radicales, comme vous allez le voir avec les simples conseils ci-dessous.

L'objectif doit être plus que l'argent

D'accord, vous pouvez gagner plus d'argent, mais si c'est votre seul objectif, les zéros supplémentaires sur votre solde bancaire deviendront très vite ennuyeux.